New Jersey Spine Institute

Sciatica Treatment in New Jersey

Located in Bedminster, NJ

At the New Jersey Spine Institute, all of our procedures are performed by a team of two Board Certified Orthopedic Spine Surgeons to maximize relief and minimize your recovery time.
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An estimated 5%-10% of Americans who experience lower back pain suffer from sciatica. The symptoms of this relatively common condition can range from mild to excruciating and often affect people over a period of many months or years.

At the New Jersey Spine Institute, we have extensive experience treating sciatica, both in acute (recently started) and chronic patients (over a long time). Our award-winning team develops a personalized treatment plan for each and every patient and takes great pride in achieving excellent outcomes through the use of innovative and proven approaches and techniques.

If you are currently seeking to resolve sciatic nerve pain, our exceptional spine surgery team can help. Learn more below about sciatica, its causes, and treatment options below.

What Is Sciatica?

In order to understand sciatica, many of our patients find it helpful to first have a working understanding of the sciatic nerve and how it functions in the body:

Understanding the Sciatic Nerve

The sciatic nerve is the longest and thickest nerve in the human body. Composed of many smaller nerves that merge together after exiting the lower back (lumbar spine), each sciatic nerve runs through the hip and buttock on one side of the body and continues down through the leg to just below the knee, where it splits into smaller nerves that extend into the lower leg, foot, and toes.

The brain sends movement signals through the spinal cord to the sciatic nerve and receives sensory information traveling from the sciatic nerve through the spinal cord. The sciatic nerve is crucial for standing, walking, running, and feeling sensations throughout the lower extremities. When it becomes compromised or damaged, neurological problems such as pain, weakness, numbness, and abnormal sensations can occur.


Sciatica (lumbar radiculopathy), often referred to as a “pinched nerve”, typically refers to symptoms of leg pain, stiffness, and numbness, originating in the lower back. Usually, the root of the problem is a ruptured or degenerative disc in the lumbar spine. This disc causes pressure on the sciatic nerve which results in pain in the leg. It should be known that Sciatica is not an acceptable diagnosis for a patient, it is just a tell-tale sign of a different condition, such as a herniated disc or Degenerative Disc Disease.

Conditions that Cause Sciatic Pain

Sciatica results from irritation, inflammation, pinching, or compression of a nerve in the lower back. Common causes include:

Degenerative Disc Disease
Degenerative Disc Disease refers to the gradual breakdown of one or more intervertebral discs over time, making them unable to cushion the spine and absorb shocks as they should. When disc degeneration impacts the lower back, a pinched sciatic nerve can result.
Lumbar Disc Herniation
A lumbar disc herniation refers to damage to a disc along the lower back, forcing the jelly-like fluid out of the disc and potentially involving the sciatic nerve.
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
Lumbar spinal stenosis is a condition in which the narrowing of space between the vertebrae in the spine compresses the sciatic nerve.
Spondylolisthesis is a disorder wherein one vertebra protrudes forward in front of another. This can pinch or otherwise interfere with the sciatic nerve.
Tight Piriformis Muscle
In some circumstances, a tight piriformis muscle can contribute to compression of the sciatic nerve, since the sciatic nerve lies directly underneath the piriformis muscle.
A traumatic injury involving the lower back can lead to acute sciatic pain.
Spinal Tumors or Cysts
Depending on its size and location, a tumor or cyst on the spine can interfere with the sciatic nerve.

What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

Sciatica symptoms can vary significantly from one patient to another but commonly include:

  • Persistent pain in the leg
  • Pain radiating through the lumbar spine, buttocks, hips, and legs
  • Jarring pain while seated
  • Difficulty standing and/or walking
  • Numbness in the thigh area
  • Muscle weakness

At the New Jersey Spine Institute, our experienced team of doctors takes a comprehensive medical history and performs a thorough physical examination before making a sciatica diagnosis. Depending on the circumstances, diagnostic imaging tests including MRI, CT scan, and/or X-rays may be ordered to visualize the issue more clearly and rule out any other possible causes of the symptoms.

Your initial consultation will include an all-inclusive review of prior conservative and surgical treatment along with a comprehensive physical examination to develop an accurate diagnosis

Who Is at Risk of Sciatica?

Sciatica can affect anyone, but specific factors do put some people at higher risk of suffering from the condition. These include:


Carrying extra weight puts pressure on the spine and can lead to sciatic pain.


People with diabetes are at an increased risk of nerve damage.

Prolonged Sitting

Sitting for long periods can increase the risk of developing sciatica.

Repetitive Movements

People with a job or lifestyle that involves repeated lifting, twisting, pushing, or pulling are more likely to develop sciatica symptoms.


Sciatica is rare in people under the age of 20. With age, the risk of a herniated disc or bone spurs leading to sciatica increases significantly.


Tobacco use causes the spine to age more quickly, as small blood vessels become damaged and less oxygen reaches damaged tissues. This can contribute to sciatica symptoms.

Sedentary Lifestyle

People who are physically inactive are at higher risk of suffering from sciatica pain.

Treatment Options for Sciatica Symptoms

At the New Jersey Spine Institute, we develop personalized treatment plans based on the needs of our patients and always aim to resolve sciatica symptoms using the least invasive methods possible. Treatment options for sciatica may include some or all of the following:

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Though proper exercise is crucial to the resolution of sciatic pain, periods of rest may also be essential—especially following a traumatic injury.
Pain Relief
Depending on the circumstances, over-the-counter or prescription pain relief medications may be recommended.
Steroid Injections
Corticosteroid injections can drastically reduce the inflammation and pain associated with sciatica.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy exercises can help build up strength and flexibility while also supporting healthy exercise goals.

Surgical Treatment Options

In severe sciatica cases where symptoms are unresponsive to non-surgical interventions, a surgical approach may be considered. In particular, surgery may be the best option for sciatica patients who are experiencing worsening pain or muscle weakness accompanied by muscle atrophy.

Common types of sciatica surgery include:

A discectomy is a common surgery used to treat disc herniation impacting the sciatic nerve. Portions of the intervertebral disc making contact with the nerve are removed.
In a laminectomy procedure, a portion of the vertebra is removed to give the sciatic nerve root more space.
Spinal Fusion
A spinal fusion increases the stability of the spine by fusing together two or more vertebrae with rods, plates, and/or screws.

At the New Jersey Spine Institute, all of our surgeries are performed by a team of two board-certified surgeons. To learn more about our advanced and proven approach to spine surgery, contact our office today to book a consultation for your sciatica pain.

Preventing Sciatica

Though it may not always be possible to prevent sciatica, the following lifestyle choices can help to reduce the likelihood of developing the condition:

Exercise Regularly
Low-impact activities like swimming and yoga can help to develop core strength and flexibility without putting undue pressure on the spine.
Maintain a Healthy Body Weight
Keeping weight within a healthy range reduces stress on the spine and can reduce the risk of sciatica.
Develop Good Posture
Sitting and standing with good posture is a simple and effective way to mitigate the effects of gravity on the spine. Building good posture habits can be especially impactful for people who spend a lot of time on the computer or other digital devices.
Use Good Body Mechanics
When it comes to bending, twisting, lifting, or carrying heavy loads, learn how to properly use the body to minimize impact on the lower back. Reducing pressure on the lumbar spine can decrease the chances of experiencing sciatica symptoms.
Avoid Sitting for Long Periods of Time
Look for ways to build regular movement breaks into the day, even when prolonged sitting is required. Standing desks or ergonomic chairs that require abdominal engagement while sitting are recommended.

Resolve Sciatica Pain With the Award-Winning Doctors at the New Jersey Spine Institute

With decades of combined experience treating sciatica and other lower back issues, the award-winning surgical team at the New Jersey Spine Institute is proud to offer cutting-edge treatment options to our valued patients. We treat each and every patient who walks through the doors of our clinic with dignity and compassion and approach each and every case of sciatica as an opportunity to improve a life.

Whether you’ve been suffering from chronic sciatica for years or are experiencing acute pain and/or other symptoms for the first time, we look forward to meeting you and helping you move forward on the quickest road to recovery. To get back to the active, pain-free lifestyle you deserve, contact our clinic today to book an initial consultation!

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